LookBook is an app designed to help users catalog and create outfits from their wardrobe. LookBook will sort outfits based on tags attached to clothing by the user. In addition to sorting, LookBook will suggest outfits based on an occasion and or the weather.

My inspiration for this app comes from the usually difficult process of deciding what to wear when going out or to class ect. I envision a typical user might utilize this app when deciding what to wear for a night out. rather than digging through their closet, trying things on, and showing friends; LookBook will streamline this process. LookBook will help users virtually try on outfits in seconds, and help uncover forgotten clothing in their wardrobe.



Those who own a large wardrobe need help choosing what to wear and what to donate because clothes are too often forgotten within the owners own closet.



I interviewed a total of 13 people (4 male & 9 female) and their ages ranged from 21-26. Some questions I asked included:

  • Can you walk me through the process when you find what to wear?

  • Do you ask others for their opinion on what to wear? Why? How?

  • Do you try to find a variety of combinations within your wardrobe? Why? How?

  • Do you have forgotten pieces of clothing? Why? What causes you to forget about them?

I then wrote sticky notes for each user and categorized common answers to identify trends.

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Biggest takeaways

  • Chooses clothes based on temperature

  • Chooses clothes based on event/occasion 

  • Forgotten clothes are because they are old

  • Sticks to set number of combinations

  • Asks advice on social media to see if outfit is appropriate 



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Stylebook has an overwhelming amount of options (shop, packing, list, plan 30 days, style expert) .

Smart closet is similar to Stylebook however is more focused on high fashion.

Outfit Planner can shop for outfits made in app, tag, curate for others (spouse, kids), calendar, and provide a personal assistant to help choose wardrobe.

My app is a more simplified version of these app, I have incorporated some of the key features (most worn, filter by tags, weather and occasion, no shopping) that would not over whelm my users.

They have busy lives and need a quick way to pick out clothes within their current wardrobe. They may not entirely be into fashion but just need a quick way to find what to wear.



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